Machhapuchchhre or Machhapuchhre “Fish Tail” in English, is a mountain in the Annapurna Himalayan Range of north central Nepal. It is revered by the local population as particularly sacred to…
Trek & Travel
Are you looking for a city rich in natural beauty? Then Pokhara might be your destination. It is a beautiful city located in the centre of Nepal on the west…
View from Newroad end of the day after the rainfall in Pokhara, Thursday, 20th May 2021.
by Pokhara City
View from Newroad end of the day after the rainfall in Pokhara, Thursday, 20th May 2021. Photo : Ashess /
”पदयात्रा मार्गहरु बचाऊ”को अबधारणमा ५ रात ६ दिनको पदयात्रा मार्गको अध्ययन पुरा गरि फर्किए (टान) फोटो फिचर
by Pokhara City
पोखरा ट्रेकिङ्ग एजेन्सीज् एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल (टान) पश्चिमाञ्चल क्षेत्रिय संघ, पोखराको आयोजना , मादीगाउँपालिका कास्कीको सहयोग र नेपाल पर्यटन बोर्डको प्रर्बद्धनमा २०७७ माघ ३ गतेबाट ८ गते सम्म ५ रात…